The Blue House

The Blue House

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day Five

The final day of the first work week. I like having the Greensaw crew in the house. As soon as they arrived the energy in the house changed. I’m impressed with how hard they work and how much they have been able to do so far. Their energy is positive and productive. I sit on the other side of the zippered plastic curtain borrowing their force, riding the coattails of the energy they exude while I work away at my black belt project.

I wasn’t going to say anything about my kitchen. But Jim from C2Architecture had an idea. They said, “We have to change the kitchen, it’s the heart of the house.” I wouldn’t have dared to dream that big without their vision. I wouldn’t have thought it was possible to build without the confidence Greensaw brought to the table. And so here we are at week one. The skilled design team performing open house surgery on the heart of my house. We’ve uncovered some plumbing issues that need to be addressed and some ducts that need to be moved but the over all prognosis is good. Not only will the patient survive but the patient will thrive when everything is new.

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